Thursday, June 9, 2011

A splash of Theatricality is the Medicine for the Mundane

Hello all! I am rapidly approaching the end of the workweek, and it can’t come fast enough. As my work day starts with me getting up at 5:30am and getting back home at 7:30pm, it’s a bit taxing, and I’m ready to hit Saturday hard. I have yet to actually go inside the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapı Palace, or Grand Bazaar; thus, My plan on Saturday is to get on top of that until my camera dies or I do – whichever comes first. In the meantime, I have a few interesting experiences to share with everyone.

There is a van, a white van to be more specific, that I have encountered several times – especially at night. To clarify, I did not know this vehicle was a white van when I first encountered it because I did not see the vehicle, instead I heard it several times late at night. I discovered the identity of the vehicle this morning when it drove past me. Now I know what you’re wondering. How could I possibly identify this van purely by sound? I’ll tell you. A la Dukes of Hazard, this van has a highly unique horn (They must have payed a visit to car horns and more) – it’s the theme to The Godfather. The first time I heard it, I was taken aback and had to think for a while before I identified the tune. I have now heard this van several times, and it never ceases to amuse me. Ah the choices people make….

As the title may lead you to suspect, I had a wonderful theatrical moment today. I found out that my supervisor is a musical theatre enthusiast, and I got the esteemed privilege of introducing her to “Taylor the Latte Boy” after finding out that she like Kristen Chenoweth. It was definitely not something I expected to be doing in Turkey. I’ve had some interesting things happen recently.

I’ll leave you with some additional images that I’ve yet to share. Stay tuned for more updates – I’m about to run grab some dinner in a few, so I may have some more for you tonight depending on what crazy things I get myself into. Also, I'm going to share below a few phrases I've come across recently that made me snicker:

"this is an exceptionally rare example of production value elevating mediocrity" - Article on Chinese Branding regarding China Mobile

"We should not cause visual pollution by using
excess font and color." - email protocol document

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